In classical schools and other disciplines, this topic has never existed. This is the result of the modern school of astrology, of which we are followers.
If you study psychology, most likely you have come across this term, because it was taken from there.
Subpersonalities in psychology and psychotherapy are designations of various aspects of a person's personality that can manifest themselves in different situations and contexts. Subpersonalities can be considered as separate "selves" or "masks" that a person uses depending on circumstances, social roles, and inner state.
Subpersonalities are used a little differently in astrology!
They can be described as a kind of collective image of different personality qualities combined in one direction.
They are formed by analyzing the active houses of the horoscope, denoting various spheres of human life, and analyzing the planets located in them (the planets represent the qualities of the psyche). And also by analyzing the relationships between these houses and the planets.
For example, a PSYCHOLOGIST's subpersonality is formed by analyzing planets associated with qualities inherent in a given profession (Moon, Mercury, etc.), and/or corresponding houses.
Suppose your Moon falls into the 1st house (vocation), and Mercury into the 10th house (social realization).
Then one of the possible interpretations of these provisions may be the following:
1 house is a house of vocation, the Moon gives this house empathy, emotionality, the ability to try on other people's masks and psychology.
Mercury, getting into the 10th career house, says that your professional activity can be based on the ability to communicate and perform analysis.
It turns out that your talents in this case are the ability to feel and understand other people (Moon), as well as the ability to communicate and analyze (Mercury).
By combining these two positions, you can deduce the subpersonality of a psychologist (often subpersonalities are formed in more complex ways, this is a simplified model for your understanding).
Of course, this does not mean that absolutely all people with such positions will have the subpersonality of a psychologist!
It is important to look at other positions in order to understand exactly how your position will lose!
This is just an example.
Thus, it is possible to deduce many different subpersonalities — the subpersonality of a politician, an adventurer, a spiritual leader, a teacher, a businessman, a motivational speaker, a doctor, a healer, an esotericist, etc.
Most often it happens that a person has several subpersonalities; then the task is to combine these parts in one direction and give them one vector of development.
Suppose a person has the subpersonality of a psychologist and the subpersonality of a businessman — then he should not just develop in the field of psychology and consult, but build a whole business on this.
Or the subpersonality of a psychologist and a teacher — then a person should not only consult in the field of psychology, but also teach it.
All these subpersonalities are inherent in us due to the fact that you and I consist of individual personalities of our ancestors: moms, dads, grandmothers, grandfathers, etc
. According to some reports, we are influenced by up to 7 generations.
Their talents, realized or unrealized dreams, their successes and failures, their strengths and weaknesses, their characters — we are a hodgepodge of all this.
Someone in your family was a teacher, someone was a psychologist or an esotericist, someone was an entrepreneur, and depending on all this, you were born with different talents passed down to you genetically.
It is these genetic predispositions that shape our destiny!
In other words, to deduce a purpose means to set one common task for your subpersonalities, through which they will manifest themselves into the world.
Subpersonalities can be very harmoniously intertwined with each other, or they can strongly contradict each other; the more complex the relationship, the more difficult it will be for a person to realize his purpose!
But difficult does not mean impossible! You just need to know each of your active positions and use them in the right way.
On our website, you can calculate an astrological chart and get transcripts of all active positions, and then try to bring them together and analyze your subpersonalities.
In the transcript, you will see a description of your strengths, talents, important areas of implementation, and recommendations on what to do with all this.
Once you understand how you need to act and put all the recommendations into practice, you will realize all the available subpersonalities and begin to get the desired results from life.
With love, your Saturn Love