Bank details

SP Gutnikov Sergey Viktorovich

Telephone +7 (8453) 68-00-22
Legal address 413859, Balakovo, Saratov region, Balakovo, Kakhovskaya str., 9, sq. 31
TIN 643905793610
PSRNSP 313643914700015
Current account 40802810000000025402
Bank jsc " Tinkoff bank"
Legal address of the bank Moscow, 123060, 1-St Volokolamsky proezd, 10, building 1
Corresponding bank account 30101810145250000974
TIN of the bank 7710140679
bic of the bank 044525974

IE Gutnikov
(OGRN 313643914700015 / INN 643905793610) © 2018-2021 Saturn.Love