Sun in Vedic astrology

 Planets in Jyotish form the basis of each natal chart. Each planet plays a unique role in each area of life. What are the features of each of the planets? How to implement them? How do they manifest themselves? Saturn.Love will tell you about all the planets and luminaries involved in Jyotish astrology.Sun is the central luminary. Primarily, ...
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  4177 Hits

How to become more attractive? Venus in houses in Vedic astrology.

How to become that sexy and attractive woman, based on the position of your Venus? Have you seen those beautiful women that men don't notice? At the same time there are ordinary women, but men fall for them. It depends on their Venus. Women that work out their house of Venus are attractive and seductive to others, regardless of their appearance or ...
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  4308 Hits

Where should you move, looking at your 12th house?

If you have a planet in the 12th house, you should consider moving to another country because the loss of your motherland is the least loss you can have while having a planet in the 12th house. A 12th-house-person must learn to lose to transform. What can relocation give to a person with an active 12th house?Transformation12th house is about losses...
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  4777 Hits

Sun in Vedic Astrology

 Our ego Sun is our ego and individuality. So, the house where your Sun lies is tightly connected with your ego. Ego can be hurt and can be boosted. For example, if you want to boost an ego of a person with a Sun in the 9th house - the house of education and knowledge, praise his intelligence and erudition. But if you want to hurt this person,...
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  4238 Hits

How to look up your moon nakshatra?

 1. Go to and sign up 2. Insert your birth data and calculate your chart (by the way, you can find out your nakshatra even if you don't know your birth time at all!). Click "Get report" 3. Scroll down till you see this table with your planets and look at your moon. The third column is your nakshatra. Here, a person has Purva P...
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  4747 Hits

Abusive relationships in Vedic astrology

 There are two types of abuse in Jyotish that are based on two planets: Mars and Venus. MarsMars is about direct influence: verbal insults, curses, and viol*ence.VenusVenus is more subtle: gas*lighting, manipulations, narcissistic disorder.Why do people fall into abuse?Abuse consists of two factors: low mindfulness + unreleased potential of th...
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  1849 Hits

Compatibility in Vedic astrology

In Vedic astrology, the main Nakshatra is your Moon Nakshatra. Look at our post on how to find your Moon Nakshatra ( Nakshatra has a spirit animal. There are 14 spirit animals of two genders. Mongoose is masculine only. To check your basic moon Nakshatra compat...
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  1779 Hits

How to benefit from your active 12th house?

If you have a planet in the 12th house, then your 12th house is active. How to make a profit out of it?Every planet in the 12th house has its individual recommendations but here is a general guide to 12th-house-guys: • constantly change your lifestyle. Be open to new ideas and don't let your mindset become rigid. 12th house lives by constant TRANSF...
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  2205 Hits

Your ego according to your Sun in houses

Sun represents our ego as individuality. When the house of our Sun is realised - we feel satisfied, and when we don't work with this house, our ego suffers.1st house1st house summarises our horoscope and symbolizes our personality, so your ego might suffer if haven't realised a wholesome personality and haven't found your life purpose. Also, you mi...
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  2207 Hits

Moon in Vedic astrology

Jyotish is lunar astrology, so the moon has a special place here.The moon is in charge for manas - this is one of our types of mind, which is responsible for⭐️creativity⭐️adequacy⭐️emotional intelligenceThe moon is responsible for our happiness, and if the house in which the moon stands isn't realized, then the person feels unhappy.For example, if ...
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  1787 Hits

What is yoga in Vedic astrology?

Yoga is a combination of two or more planets, involving the unification of their qualities into one whole. They are essential for understanding life purpose.First of all, yogas serve as a tool for realizing their destiny through the investment of their characteristics in a person. They carry information not about a specific field of activity in whi...
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  1723 Hits

Sade Sati: a series of obstacles or a period of prosperity?

 In the life of any person there comes a moment of passing the "exam" to follow one's destiny, set by Saturn and the Moon in the natal chart, and it is called Sade SatiThis is explained in detail on ( with the revelation of these two planets and their influence on your Sade Sati.Sade Sati is...
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  2161 Hits

Importance of rectification of the Vedic Natal chart and opportunities for it on the Saturn.Love website

On the Saturn.Love by Jyotish Vedic astrology you can get an interpretation of the positions in your Natal chart and get to know yourself better.It often happens that a person knows the time of his birth very roughly and then he should not be sure that the Natal chart, built for an approximate time, really describes him. Or a person can be born at ...
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  2455 Hits

What does austerity mean to me?

This is not about external hardships at all. I can drink wine with great pleasure, eating a delicacy. I can buy beautiful things and not limit myself. For me, pleasure is a means of attaining higher States, just as prayer, for example, can be a means of achieving higher States. There is no difference what we do, there is a difference how we do it: ...
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  4075 Hits

Disassembled condition and feeling of being lost

Familiar? How do you live? Distracted? Do you indulge in melancholy? Overcome by thoughts about where to go next? Write in the comments.Now humanity seems to be placed in conditions conducive to the birth of a new creative wave. Melancholy is always followed by a new round.If the process of melancholy is accepted and lived, then a new charge of cre...
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  4080 Hits

What does "raising vibrations" mean in a practical sense? Or how to use the current turbulence to your advantage.

Putting aside the incomprehensible words of various "messengers from Sirius "about" increasing the vibrations of the planet" and magical thinking, let's try to figure out what the current evolutionary stage requires of us, which we have climbed so unexpectedly that so far it feels more like a fall. As my friend writes, the awakening comes suddenly,...
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  3971 Hits

Two deaths

The last thing he heard was the scrape of metal, the sound of breaking glass, and a woman shouting, " Help me get him out! The steering wheel crushed his chest!» The last thing he felt in his body was a sharp pain somewhere in the region of his ribs, as someone grabbed him with strong hands and pulled him out of the crumpled car into a shapeless lu...
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  3561 Hits

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