Active and inactive horoscope houses. Why are there no empty houses, and how to work through all 12?
A person's birth chart always consists of 12 houses. Each of them is responsible for a specific area of life — the sphere of vocation, money, communication, relationships, etc.
Since there are 12 houses, and there are only 9 grahs (planets) in the horoscope, they occupy only part of the map, and the other part remains without planets. Because of this, many mistakenly believe that if there is no graha in a particular house, then this house is empty, insignificant, or there will be no results in this area of life.
We have come across comments more than once, both personally and on the Internet, by type: "What if my money house is not active, I don't need to earn?", "My money house is empty. Does this mean spending my whole life with pennies?", or "And my partner's house is empty, does that mean I won't be able to build a relationship?", etc.
There are also such questions: "Does an empty house affect relationship problems and lack of relationships?", "Misfortunes await me in an empty house?"
Of course, such comments and myths are not created out of thin air. They are strongly provoked by specialists who use astrology as a predictive system.
However, this is a big misconception, and now we will explain to you how it actually works.
The natal chart is a system, it is an integral "organism" where everything is interconnected with each other. That is why there are no empty houses in the horoscope and there are no all those negative influences that intimidate people.
Each of the houses has a constellation, and there are also 12 constellations in astrology. In turn, the constellations belong to one or another grah. It turns out that the planets are connected to the houses in which the signs belonging to them are located — they influence them. Therefore, there are no empty houses, because they are in connection with the planets, as well as with the houses in which these planets stand. We have not yet mentioned the aspects and axes of houses that also affect them.
We prefer to call houses that don't have planets inactive.
Such a house does not play a key role in the realization of a person's destiny, which is why it does not require much emphasis and the qualities inherent in such a house do not require activation.
However, this does not mean that they are not important, or that there will be no results in these areas. It's just that in this case, the house is realized not by focusing on it, but by working on the dispenser, the planet that controls this house.
For example, you have an inactive 2 house (money) — this does not mean that you do not need to earn, or you will earn little, it means that money does not play a primary role for you, and you should not have hyperfiction on this topic.
In order for you to be good with money, you must determine in which house the ruler is located, what qualities the graha possesses, and what connections it participates in — by realizing this house and this graha, you activate your monetary potential. And exactly the same with any other inactive house!
All 12 areas of life are very important to every person by default!
How can money be unimportant in the modern world? Or can relationships be unimportant, given that we live in a society? Communication? A career?
But in order for all 12 spheres to work, it is necessary to interact correctly with the horoscope — to activate those houses in which the planets are located; the whole system will start working at their expense, and your life will be harmonious both materially and spiritually.
Problems occur in one or another "empty" sphere precisely because of the incorrect activation of the dispensers (managers), as well as due to the lack of a systematic implementation of the entire horoscope.
On our website, you can calculate your card and get a transcript of each active position. This way, you will understand how you need to work on all the houses that are important for your implementation and activate your map fully.
With love, your Saturn.Love.