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How to benefit from your active 12th house?

If you have a planet in the 12th house, then your 12th house is active. How to make a profit out of it?

Every planet in the 12th house has its individual recommendations but here is a general guide to 12th-house-guys:
• constantly change your lifestyle. Be open to new ideas and don't let your mindset become rigid. 12th house lives by constant TRANSFORMATIONS
• relocation to another COUNTRY. New cultural energies reveal new-brand abilities in 12th-house-people, they weren't even aware of when they were in their birthplace
• risks. 12th-house-people get bigger treasures when they risk. 12th house people were born to create something NEW and INNOVATIVE in this world. Apparently, it's a risk
• big dreams. No matter, how unreal it seems. No matter, whether someone did it or not. 12th house is a pioneer in something new for humanity. Of course, your dreams might seem unreal. It's YOUR TASK to make them real
• embrace a success mindset. Otherwise, the 12th house can't be realized
• do work that's connected with the transformations. Transformation of laws, doctrines, people, systems (e.g. healthcare, education), cultures, technology (e.g. Tesla), money (e.g. cryptocurrency)
• international projects. The 12th house is a house of wandering. Anything that deals with connecting people around the world benefits your 12th house
• detachment to the material things, especially those that burden you with responsibilities. E.g. mortgage. 12th house is about wandering, so these people shouldn't attach themselves and commit to something perishable. Please, don't mix up with the rejection of material things. 12th house people can love material things and can both be rich and successfully realize their 12th house. E.g. Elon Musk is super-rich and creates innovations and transforms technologies
• being ready to leave everything and change your life COMPLETELY. Are you ready to leave everything you have and move to another country? No? Then you haven't aced your 12th house (yet)

Check out individual recommendations for each planet in the 12th house on saturn.love. Calculate your chart and reveal the keys to your life. 


IE Gutnikov
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