Planetary transits AstroAction®

Enter your date and place of birth to calculate your chart :

Every day and incessantly the planets move in space relative to the Earth. The moon moves from constellation to constellation every 2 days, the Sun - every month, and, for example, Saturn moves in one sign for almost 3 years. What do all these processes mean for my life? What period do I live for? How can I use it productively?? What is important to pay attention to now? In which area of life is work actualized or tension is going to? ? What if the stars now have me doing something that will lay the foundation in life for the next 5-30 years?

These questions are answered by AstroAction® transits on Saturn.Love.

Inside are descriptions of the current planetary influences on your life and your psyche. Your transits of the past, present and future are explained in clear words. It is possible to form plans and strategies in accordance with the transits. You can adjust the moment of the beginning of something important for you to a certain transit. You can see that in some ways it is worth "laying straws" soon. You can find out how your life can be integrated into global planetary periods. Just scroll through your transits ahead and see what periods are waiting for you. There are also dates and methods of correct residence of Sati Sati periods. It is important to remember that transits are not predictions, but a description of the current energies that we should take into account, and whether they will be for the good or not depends on our choices and decisions.

Abstraction transits will be informative even if you don't know your time of birth at all.

What you will learn from the chart

  • What areas of life are of primary importance to you
  • With what features are they implemented
  • What happiness depends on
  • Characteristics of the right partner for you
  • What to develop to please men / women
  • How are you affected by the current transits of the planets
  • How to use transits for maximum productivity
  • Your individual ways of obtaining energy and vitality
  • Your main growth zone / "karmic task"
  • Is it important for you to move abroad
  • Features of your sexuality
  • What is your destiny dictated by yogis / planetary connections
  • Periods of Sade Sati and how do you live them
  • The ability to follow the lunar days and understand exactly how the movement of the Moon affects you

IE Gutnikov
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