Sade Sati Periods in Vedic Astrology

Enter your date and place of birth to calculate your chart :

The Sade Sati period is 7.5 years, when life tests a person to follow his destiny. A period that can carry both difficulties and opportunities, depending on whether we live ourselves correctly and whether we realize those houses for which the Moon and Saturn are responsible in an individual map.

Inside you will find comprehensive information about the periods of the Sati Garden: the dates of all your Sati Gardens and practical recommendations for their residence, according to your natal chart.

What you will learn from the chart

  • What areas of life are of primary importance to you

  • With what features are they implemented

  • What happiness depends on

  • Characteristics of the right partner for you

  • What to develop to please men / women

  • How are you affected by the current transits of the planets

  • How to use transits for maximum productivity

  • Your individual ways of obtaining energy and vitality

  • Your main growth zone / "karmic task"

  • Is it important for you to move abroad

  • Features of your sexuality

  • What is your destiny dictated by yogis / planetary connections

  • Periods of Sade Sati and how do you live them

  • The ability to follow the lunar days and understand exactly how the movement of the Moon affects you

IE Gutnikov
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